Green Box Telemetry for Slot

Green Box Telemetry for Slot
Garantía AlfaSlot
Reemplazamos el chasis en caso de rotura. No importa el motivo.
Enviamos un chasis gratuito si sacamos una nueva versión que corrija un problema grave del chasis
50% de descuento si sacamos una nueva versión del chasis mejorada
Soporte y Ayuda
Resolvemos todas tus cuestiones y te ayudamos a preparar tu chasis, siempre disponibles para ti en
NOTICE: due to high demand the delivery date of new orders will be updated to adapt to our capacity. This does not affect orders already placed (the shipping date will be the one indicated when the order was placed).
Consult the manual and frequently asked questions at:
You can download your app for android at:
And for iOS at:
We have revolutionized racing telemetry as you knew it until now.
We are very proud to introduce you to another Alfaslot world first: the Green Box.
It is a universal advanced telemetry device, suitable for all the controls and slot tracks with banana plugs, which for only 37.60€ allows the user to have access to all the data it provides, through our new application for cell phones and tablets Alfaslot Greenbox.
And that's a lot of data!
With the Green Box + the Alfaslot Greenbox app you will be able to know...
- Lap by lap in real time.
- Accelerating lap time.
- Time on the main straight.
- Lap time braking.
- Energy efficiency.
- Sliding (skidding).
- Lap history.
- Share your laps and compare them with anyone (you can share them even with those who don't have the app).
- Compare laps or compare drivers: this allows you to know differences with other laps and establish acceleration points, braking points and where you are losing time in each lap.
- Save your favorite laps: to keep track of your best laps or those of a reference rider, very useful data to determine where to improve.
- Multiconnection: all team members can see the evolution of times at the same time.
- Working voltage: to know if the track was in the same conditions or not.
- Virtual Race Engineer mode: thanks to real-time data analysis by AI, you will have configurable warnings by audio of lap time, brakes problems, bad gearing, worn tires, excessive skidding or in which part of the track you are skidding...
- Multi Language: Spanish and English available, Italian and French coming soon.
Alfaslot Greenbox synchronizes with the most used race managers and timing systems, is compatible with Android and iOS and will have firmware and online app updates in case new features are added.
Take advantage of our launch promotion!!! With the purchase of the Box we will give you a year's subscription to Alfaslot Greenbox for free!
(From then on, the price of the App will be only only 9,70 euros per year, less than one euro per month)!
Thanks to the great work of our engineering team for making any driver's dream come true... Will you join us?