Racing lightweight slot wheels

Racing lightweight slot wheels
Garantía AlfaSlot
Reemplazamos el chasis en caso de rotura. No importa el motivo.
Enviamos un chasis gratuito si sacamos una nueva versión que corrija un problema grave del chasis
50% de descuento si sacamos una nueva versión del chasis mejorada
Soporte y Ayuda
Resolvemos todas tus cuestiones y te ayudamos a preparar tu chasis, siempre disponibles para ti en
Based on our ultralight slot rims, we take the design one step further, making it the lightest rim in existence, weighing less than 0.3 grams.
It is made from a mixture of nylon and carbon nanofibers, which gives it extraordinary robustness and resistance.
It is compatible with any 3/32 slot axis.
Content: | 2 x Black ultralight slot rim |
Weight: | 0.25 grams/unit +/- 0.06 |
Diameter: | 15.5mm to 16.2mm to choose from |
Width: | 8 mm |
Reference: | ASA03r |